Tee Ball Association WA

The carnival originated in December 1979 as the Perth Building Society Lightning Carnival at Forster Park. The name was changed to the Challenge Cup in 1995, back to Lightning Carnival in 2003 and renamed to the HBF Tee-Ball Carnival in 2004.

In honour of Mr Warren Lake, for his outstanding services to Tee-Ball for over 40 years, this carnival was renamed to the Warren Lake Carnival in November 2019.

The Warren Lake Carnival is a competition for regular club teams who nominate or are selected by their club. Each team plays 4 40 minute games on a Sunday in late November or early December.

For all historical results see our carnival websites at https://tbawa.azurewebsites.net.

2024 WARREN LAKE CARNIVAL (1st December 2024) 

Format and supporting information

  • Fixtures and diamond layout available only online from the links above as no printed fixtures will be issued
  • TBAWA will provide team shade shelters for all diamonds
  • Clubs to look after the other diamonds and their scorers and parents on all diamonds
  • Team listed first in fixtures is home team and provides plate umpire. Away team to provide field umpire
  • Umpires don’t need to sign in but must be accredited and umpire according to the TBAWA rules
  • Please make your umpires aware that any special club specific rules you might have do not apply
  • Only exception to the TBAWA rules is that games are 40 minutes long and start and end on the siren not on the umpires watch

For Under 9’s and younger

  • Play 2 or 3 games with a short windup after the last game
  • No scores are kept and umpires are not suppose to announce any winners after each game

For Under 10’s and older

  • Play 4 games but only 3 show in the fixtures as the 4th game depends on the outcome of the first 3 games. A ladder will be calculated from the first 3 games and the 4th round of games will be 1st against 2nd, 3rd against 4th, 5th against 6th and so on
  • There will be a time gap of around 50 minutes between the 3rd and 4th round of games to sort the above out
  • Short windup after the 4th game
  • Please remind your team managers that for Under 10’s and older they must bring along the team’s Saturday morning scorebook and present it to the desk before the first game
  • If your team has players from another Saturday morning team their team’s scorebook must be brought along as well and presented
  • Managers to also pickup scorebooks and the  ‘How to score’ sheets from the desk when presenting their Saturday morning scorebooks
  • Scoresheets will be delivered to the diamonds and need to be returned to TBAWA official in buggy in the nearest walkway right after each game
  • Some finals (4th round games) may be umpired by TBAWA appointed umpires. In such case a 3 umpire system is used with the participating teams providing the 2 field umpires.