In October 1982, the West Australian Baseball League opened Parry Field for games. In January 1983, the West Australian Baseball League advised Mr. Graham Johnson, the President of the Tee-Ball Association of Western Australia, that there was to be Country of Origin Baseball Game between United States baseballers playing in Western Australia and Australian baseballers playing in Western Australia on the 3rd April 1983 at Parry Field. They asked if it would be possible to have a tee-ball game prior to this game as a promotion of tee-ball and baseball in Western Australia.
The Tee-Ball Association of Western Australia agreed to this and other games and decided that this would be an excellent opportunity to show off top tee-ball not only to the public but to their sponsor the Perth Building Society. So it was decided not to get two teams from one of the clubs but to arrange for the top players from the State Championships to make up the teams! The method of selecting the players was that 3 boys from each of the division A teams, 2 boys from each of the division B teams and 1 boy from each of the division C teams in the under 11 State Championships be selected to make up the 24 players.
The teams were called the PBS “Cashcards” and the PBS “Squirrels”, and they played 6 fantastic games that season at Parry Field in front of large crowds as well as the representatives of the Perth Building Society who were suitably accommodated and refreshed in the Presidents Room at Parry Field, courtesy of the West Australian Baseball League.
This was the start of the SuperSquad now promoting tee-ball in Western Australia. While Parry Field is no longer in use, and the West Australian Baseball League has been replaced by Baseball WA, the Super Squad has changed significantly into what it is today. Girls were introduced to its ranks in 1991 and changes to the selection criteria by each club nominating their most outstanding player occurred.
All clubs are requested to submit their most outstanding players each season to attend tryouts as the new season begins. This sees a very fierce competition of talented ball players put through throwing, catching and batting drills to be selected to the years squad. Rules were introduced that players can only be successful to the squad once, therefore allowing more players to experience SuperSquad. Once 24 players have been selected by the judges, they are notified and sorted into 2 even teams now known as the Stealers and the Sliders, uniforms are ordered and work begins on the seasons activities.
This includes a team bonding overnight camp where the players learn about each other, games at the Perth Heat in front of stadium & televised crowds, games at Softball WA state championships in front of interstate visitors and games at clubs pre-state carnivals in front of their peers. The season accumulates with a game at the Teeball State Championships in front of all the clubs before presentations.
The SuperSquad is a special and unique squad consisting of the best players from each of the clubs each season who go on to form friendships that continue long after the season ends. The squad is responsible for advertising and displaying how our great game should be played in regard to ability, attitude and commitment.