Tee Ball Association WA

 tbawa-logo-gray Coaching tbawa-logo-gray

Advantages of Running an “A” Level Clinic

  • The four F’S of tee-ball, “FUN”, “FAIR PLAY”, “FUNDAMENTAL SKILLS” AND “FAMILY INVOLVEMENT” are an important element of teaching children and should be foremost in the mind of the coach. Coaches should not be out there just to win at all costs but should provide positive encouragement and feedback to the players.
  • Participants will be given an overview of the role and responsibilities of a coach.
  • New coaches learn the basics of tee-ball which will assist in the continuity of teaching methods between clubs particularly in interclub competitions.
  • Participants will learn how to throw correctly so as to avoid injury to the player’s arm..
  • Catching skills and all aspects of fieldwork will also be taught.
  • Participants will be taught how to bat correctly i.e. directional batting.
  • Sliding and base running will also be covered in this clinic.
  • Diamond drills will be taught (there are 8 basic diamond drills, which can be used at training).
  • Participants will learn rotation of your teams on the field and in the batting line up.
  • Clinic also covers teaching players to play as a team and not just as an individual.
  • Participants will be advised how to approach an umpire in a game situation.
  • All coaches doing the “A” Level Clinic will receive a “Coaching Manual”.
  • The clinic runs for approximately 6 hours which consists of 4 hours on the field (hands on drills) and a 2 hour lecture and question time.
  • The six hours MUST be completed in order to pass your ‘A’ Level Certificate.
  • There will be a break for lunch and quick drinks throughout the clinic.
COST TO RUN AN ‘A’ LEVEL CLINIC:(a) $25.00 per participant, plus $30.00 for less than 10 participants except for Country clubs.(b) Extra Manuals 1 and 2 – $10.00 per set.(c) Coaching Manual “Coaching Manual Diamond Drills” and “Coaching Manual Skills & Techniques” will be supplied with clinic.(d) Country clubs will need to contact the Chief Coach to ensure arrangements are made for accommodation, meals and transport (as applicable) for the Course Presenter coming to your area. The cost of the accommodation, meals and transport will be at the expense of the club requesting the clinic.(e) To arrange a clinic please contact the Chief Coach by email chiefcoach@tbawa.org.au

Online Coaching Clinic Presentation

(please watch this as a SlideShow (button in the top right of the screen) so that the links contained within the presentation will work)

If unable to acquire the minimum number of participants to run a clinic try contacting your nearest club and arrange a clinic together!
It is also strongly recommended that all teeball administrators and coaches also complete the Sports Australia Community Coaches Essential Skills online course availble bere : https://www.sportaus.gov.au/coaching/course
For further information contact Chief Coach, TBAWA