Tee Ball Association WA

Chief Coach: John Van Emmerloot
Phone: 0417 175 649
Email: chiefcoach@tbawa.org.au

Please note that everybody who would like to participate must register online prior to the clinic.

These are hands on clinics so please wear comfortable clothing, joggers, bring a cap/hat, water bottle and sunscreen as the majority of the clinic is conducted outside.  You will also need a glove. The clinics run for approximately 4 hours in the field plus question time. the Coaching Presentation including the quiz at the end, will need to be completed by the participant BEFORE the clinic.  There will be a break for lunch and quick drinks throughout each clinic.

It is also strongly recommended that teeball administrators and coaches complete the Sports Australia Community Coaches Essential Skills online course availble bere : https://www.sportaus.gov.au/coaching/course