Tee Ball Association WA

The Tee-Ball Association of WA was established in 1978 with the aim of organizing and advancing Tee-Ball in our state in collaboration with affiliated clubs and associations. Together, they constitute the T.B.A.W.A. Council. The activities of the Tee-Ball Association of WA are governed by its constitution.

TBAWA and its member clubs operate entirely on a voluntary basis, a key factor that enables us to maintain low fees for families, positioning Tee-Ball as one of the most affordable sports for kids.

The TBAWA take pride in being more than just a team – we’re a family of passionate volunteers committed to the joy of tee ball for children. We are a dedicated group choosing to invest our time in the betterment of our community and the love of the game.

“Family First,” Building a supportive tee ball family where every volunteer, player, and parent feels valued. We understand the importance of balancing personal and volunteer commitments, creating a flexible and understanding atmosphere amongst our committee as well as all our Teeball Club Volunteers across the state. 

For those interested in joining our association, we encourage you to reach out to one of our current Committee for more information. We are always on the lookout for individuals dedicated to Tee-Ball to nominate and contribute to our association.


Leading our association including meetings and being the friendly face at official events. 

Coordinating the elected office bearers, organising sub-committees where neccesary, and signing off on all association matters.

Liasing with relevent government body’s and related sporting organisations. Promoting the benefits of teeball, as well as promoting pathways to Baseball and Softball.

Providing support to our Member club committee’s when needed, Progressing the association, and ensuring the growth of tee-ball so that it thrives into the future.

Vice President x 2

Dynamic roles that involve filling in for and supporting the President to keep things running smoothly. An essential part of the association’s executive team.

Co-Chairs of the Carnival Committee,  making sure everything at our carnivals run smoothly with good planning, delegation, including booking grounds and facilities, overseeing fixtures, rosters, and chairing the disputes panel, ensuring the magic and memorable teeball experience our players deserve. 

Strategic thinkers for the future growth of Teeball.


The Secretary of our Tee-ball Association, the organizational wizard and the backbone of our administrative team. Ensuring a smooth information flow, record-keeping, and efficient coordination of Tee-ball. From capturing meeting minutes to managing official correspondence, you’re the go-to person for all things documentation.

The safeguarding of Tee-ball history through recording decisions and managing essential records. Facilitating seamless interactions within the association and with external partners. Providing crucial support to the President and office bearers.

Secretary is a critical role to any Association.


This role is all about managing the association’s fiscal health, ensuring transparency, and making sure the numbers add up.

Responsibilities include maintaining accurate financial records,  and providing regular financial updates to the executive team. You’re the go-to person for handling transactions, managing accounts, and keeping a watchful eye on the association’s financial well-being.

 You play a crucial role in maintaining the association’s financial integrity. Attention to detail, accuracy, and financial acumen are essential in ensuring the smooth financial operation of our Tee-ball Association.


As the Registrar of our Tee-ball Association, you play a pivotal role in keeping our records and ensuring the smooth operation of our clubs and events. 

Duties include maintaining comprehensive registers of clubs, Super Squad and Carnival players, ensuring all information is up-to-date. You’re the point person for club affiliation and team registration, following up with Clubs on forms and forwarding player numbers to our insurance provider for invoicing.

A significant part of your role involves managing our events, such as the Warren Lake Carnival and State Championships. From collecting team information to arranging fixtures, grading, and conducting age checks. You also respond to inquiries from parents, providing vital information with a friendly touch.

As a key member of the Executive and Carnival Committee, you contribute valuable insights to decision-making. 


Chief Umpire & Asst. Chief Umpire

The Chief Umpire and Assistant Chief umpire are the rules maestros and guardians of the 4 F’s of Teeball. From organising umpiring clinics to coordinating accreditation examinations for our umpires and the continual improvement of all our Teeball umpires.

Overseeing written and practical exams, maintaining accurate records of accredited umpires, and ensuring the Rule Book stays current. Standardizing rule interpretations, chairing meetings to maintain consistency among umpires.

Assisting at TBAWA carnivals and adjudicating disputes,  appointing umpires where needed and contribute to its coordination when nessesary.

The keeper of the game’s integrity, leading umpire excellence, and contributing significantly to our Association. 

Chief Coach & Asst. Chief Coach

The Chief Coach and Assistant Chief Coach are the driving force behind the development and success of all Teeball coaches. Promoting the values of Tee-Ball while ensuring coaches are well-equipped and continually evolving.

Organizing and supervising the accreditation of coaches across metropolitan and country areas and maintaining a database of accredited coaches. Training and mentoring coaching course Presenters, ensuring the growth and excellence of coaching standards.

 Ensures that accredited coaches adhere to TBAWA standards and conduct themselves appropriately at games and carnivals. Providing valuable insights on evolving coaching requirements and standards.

Country Coordinator

Fostering strong connections with our Country Clubs and ensuring smooth communication between regions. 

A proactive liaison with Country Clubs, addressing their queries, and providing essential information. Facilitating online meetings between northwest clubs, assist in planning North West Champs.

Acting as a bridge between Country Clubs and T.B.A.W.A, you bring forth queries and information from Country Clubs to association meetings. Welcoming new Country Clubs, offering guidance on setup procedures and connecting them with relevant contacts within T.B.A.W.A.

A valuable resource for Country Clubs disseminating vital information back to our country clubs ensuring they feel integrated and well-informed within the Tee-ball Association.

Property and Purchasing Officer

 Managing and maintaining our equipment and resources to ensure the smooth operation of tee-ball events and the upkeep of our essential items.

Keeping a record of all TBAWA equipment, ensuring its good order and condition. Organising to replace equipment as needed, initiate purchases with Executive approval. For TBAWA carnivals, you take charge of distributing and collecting playing equipment, organizing and erecting necessary signs and items.

Overseeing TBAWA equipment trailers, ensuring they are well-maintained and ready for use. You also handle the collection and storage of lost property during tee-ball events.

The custodian of our tee-ball equipment and resources, ensuring they are in top-notch condition and readily available when needed.

General Committee Member x 4

A vital part of our team. actively participating in meetings, contributing insights, and ensuring effective relationships with club delegates and members.

Planning and Development is a critical role to the strategic future of our Association and is a role that is normally taken on by one or our General Committee members.

Assists with various tasks, ranging from sub-committee involvement to event planning and administrative duties. Flexibility and willingness to contribute shine in areas like equipment maintenance, asistance at carnivals, and support for programs such as the Super Squad.

Involvement in planning and executing tee-ball events and carnivals and providing valuable feedback and support for continuous improvement.

General Committee Members play a dynamic and essential role in the growth and success of our Tee-ball Association