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Huntingdale Tee Ball Club
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- Huntingdale Tee Ball Club
Huntingdale Tee Ball Club provides a fun, friendly environment in which children between the ages of 5 and 13 can participate in Tee Ball. Teams consist of up to 12 players who train together and on game day will take turns batting and fielding the ball against other teams within the Thornlie and Districts Tee Ball Association. We loan the team shirt and pants, but each child will need to provide a mitt, socks, hat and water bottle. Bats will be provided by the coach for the children to use, but they are also allowed to use their own. Teams generally train on a Thursday afternoon and play on a Saturday morning (with the Under 13's playing on a Friday night) at Sutherlands Park, Holmes Road, Huntingdale. Parent participation is vital and teams cannot function properly without parental support. Each team requires a coach and a manager and, on game day, parents will need to volunteer to umpire, score, base coach and perform other duties as required. For more information, contact secretary@huntingdaleteeball.asn.au.Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HDTBC
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